

球星碧咸將於太平洋時區(PT)1月19日上午九時在 youtube.com/atgoogletalks 接受訪問, 有問題想親自問碧咸? 到Google+連同hashtag #GoogleBeckham發表, 也許他會回答你.

詳情: Beckham kicks it at Google

David Beckham Google+ 網址: +David Beckham

David Beckham will be doing a live Google interview on Thursday, January 19th at 9am PST / 12pm EST / 17pm GMT. Watch the interview live on youtube.com/atgoogletalks. As an added bonus, hangout with David directly after, right on his Google+ profile at 10:30am PST / 1:30pm EST / 18:30pm GMT.